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Me Interviewing:

I interviewed Ava for this interview. Charlie helped with filming. It is a quick interview, but I had a bout 8 minutes of footage, but I wanted to zero in on one topic because there was a lot about Ava's cats. During editing I first color corrected the clip, bringing up saturation and bringing down exposure, while tweaking some of the more specific options to help bring the shot together. Then I of course deleted every question I asked, and I put together all of the responses that I wanted to use. They weren't all in order, and some pauses and whatnot had to be taken out. As for B-Roll, I asked Ava for pictures she had of herself playing lacrosse. The images I received weren't very high resolution, so I only ended up using one of these photos. I found photos from news articles about BBA Lacrosse online for the rest, but they don't show Ava, yet still I think they are better than using generic lacrosse images. For the image of BBA, I spent about an hour trying to get a drone shot taken from Youtube to work, but it never came out well so I just Ken Burnsed a photo from another news article.

Me Being Interviewed:

For this I just waited for the shot to be set up and answered the questions. I tried to restate every question I was asked in my answer. I kept eye contact with my interviewer, and at one point I swept the hair out of my eyes. I don't really have much else to say about this one.

Me Helping Interview:

I don't have a video for this portion because of a mistake I made. Ava and I were left alone by Daniel and Charlie when they had meetings to go to. So after our interviews we started to pack everything up, and Daniel came back. When setting everything back up, I forgot to turn on the microphone. No sound recorded, which sucked. Other than this I set up the camera, matched the lighting to Daniel's face, and made sure it was in focus. My first time setting up a camera for an interview this year (for the new students) it was out of focus. This time I left the mic off. The good side of this is that when I helped interview Lawrence Zupan I sure as hell made sure I didn't make either rookie mistake.

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