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To be completely honest, I don't really like how this turned out. The sound is pretty awful, partially because we used a rhode mic and not a lav mic, but I think it is mainly because the room we used wasn't very soundproofed. 

Another problem is that Ellery didn't agree to an interview, so we couldn't do one when that was what I planned to be the main focus. Mr. Caraco also didn't respond to me asking about a time to set it up, so that didn't work out as well. Sean and I interviewed Rebecca and got about 6 minutes of footage. We spent a while trying to figure which room to use, and settled on Smith 301 because no one used it during Flex Block and it had okay lighting. The sound didn't turn out very well at all. Sean helped with the interview, but I filmed all of the B-roll and edited as Sean was busy with interviewing candidates and the fall film. This, as well as the amount time to work, prevented me from doing some of the things I had wanted to do (stand up interviews of people about what they thought of math) weren't able to happen. Furthermore, the piece is already longer than it probably should be.

There was lighting to work with during the interview, but because of how candid the B-roll was I didn't bother with lighting while filming that. It was in a bright room, so I think it came out okay, but it doesn't really jive with the coloring of the interview portion. I used a lot of color-correction to help fix this, and I think it turned out well.


Below is a picture of my timeline in Finalcut to show B-roll used to hide cuts.

Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at 1.38.11 PM.png

Copy: Did you know there are actually people who like math? Me neither, but apparently there are! We sent Sean Young and Henry Ahlfeld to find out more.

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